Read Our New Balance Case Study

Brauer Office Used for Police K-9 Training

by Amy Bollman


Here at Brauer, we love to help out our local police department so when we found out they needed a facility to use for bomb dog training, we happily offered up our Hendersonville office. There could not be any distractions so it took place after hours while none of us were present but they were gracious enough to take some photos for us to check out and share with you all. 


Along with the Hendersonville P.D., the Murfreesboro Police Department was also here for training. The whole process took about 4 hours. Thankfully there were no bombs found other than the ones they planted for the dogs to find!  HA!



It's awesome to be able to help out the guys who do so much to keep us all safe and they always show their appreciation in the nicest ways. Below is a photo of them presenting our owner, Jeff Brauer, with a plaque of appreciation from the K-9 unit. 



We were so happy to help out! Remember to thank your local law enforcement whenever you get a chance. Hendersonville is lucky to have some of the absolute best! 

Thank you as always H.P.D.! 

Amy Bollman

Amy Bollman

Amy is the Marketing Manager at Brauer. She has been with the company since 2007 and worked as a Service Coordinator as well the Service Supervisor before moving into the Marketing Manager position.

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